
Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Lesson 5 is all about various instructional media which form part of the system,s approach to instruction in order to come up an effective learning. The cone of experience are arranged from the bottom upward or from top down. These are the verbal symbols, visual symbols,recordings radio still pictures, motion pictures, educational television, exhibits, study trips, demonstrations, dramatized experiences, contrived experiences, direct purposeful experiences. The cone of experience is a visual model a pictorial device that presents bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. For me I learn that all teaching and learning must move systematically from base to pinnacle, from direct purposeful experiences to verbal symbols so that the learners can easily get the demonstrations given by the teacher and the students fully understand the knowledge that being imparted by them. So as future teacher, this learning's is very important in order to have an effective learning for my future students because the center of educative process in our modern times is the learners so as a dedicated teacher we must prepare strategies and methods to apply for the sake of the learners.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Lesson 4 is all about systematized approach or systematized instruction on how to achieve the teaching learning process more effective and efficient. This is the designs of instruction and educational technology in this part plays great role on how to make teaching learning more creative in order to get the attention of the learners. As all we know that our primary customer of learning is the learners or the students. As the chart shows the design of instruction or the activities of the learners and the teacher at this time is only the facilitator of learning's. I learn that as a teacher we should plan our activities inside the classroom so that in implementing the lesson it is continuous and harmonious in order for the learners understand and eager to do the task that they assign. As future teacher I will apply this systematized instruction so that I feel convenient in implementing and facilitating my lessons to the BECAUSE WE ARE PRACTICING THE STUDENT CENTERED APPROACH so our care is for the learners sake in order to gain more knowledge.


LESSON 3- THE ROLES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING..THIS IS ALL ABOUT THE ROLES OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS. Technology can play great roles in teaching learning process. It can be a in traditional way or in constructivist perspective. In traditional perspective the learners learns from the technology and the technology serves as a teacher.This is what we called as spoon feeding the learners depend almost of the time of what being imparted by the teacher. They are just waiting information’s or knowledge of what being thrown by them. In constructivist perspective the learners construct learning’s of their own technology in this point of view serves as a tool of learning’s to build more meaningful personal interpretations of life. In constructivist perspective learners develop their critical thinking in the sense that they are the one doing the task in learning process. As future teacher this learning's is very necessary for me in the sense that I will apply this as one of strategies and methods in teaching. I will apply the constructivist perspective because as all we know in our modern times learners are our primary customer of learning’s

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


As all we know that technology can be either a boon or bane to man. When we say boon it means blessing or benefit to man meaning through technology it help us to discover learning in good ways or in other words both learners and teachers can gain knowledge that is very necessary in learning process. Technology can be a bane or can cause harm of course to man if we don't use it in proper ways. For example, we abuse in using it like when the learners surf the internet for pornography so it can affects to their personalities especially that they are students it can distract their learning's. So technology can be a boon or bane and it depends on how man use or apply it. So as future teacher this learning's could really help a lot especially that we are dealing students be sure that we teach them technology in proper way so that they will apply it in good ways also so that technology can be a boon to everybody.


Educational technology refers to the art or craft responding to our educational needs.It is very important to both teachers and learners in the sense that it makes our works faster and easier especially in learning process. Nowadays we are living in modern world the world where technology is very high, the world of inventions. Through technology it can help students to discover a lot of things in this world especially in learning process. I will apply this learning for my future career as a teacher in order to come up an effective and efficient learning because through technology our abilities and talents will be develop. So educational technology is a process of enhancement our metacognitive knowledge and critical thinking.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


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